Numbered to Named

Hope for Myanmar’s Enslaved Daughters

Myanmar is in crisis. Economic collapse, political instability, natural disasters, and ethnic conflict have caused chaos. Women and girls have been disproportionately affected as they undertake unpaid care responsibilities and face limited job opportunities. Compelled to seek any available income, they disregard the human cost- and the cost is high.

The result is an epidemic of human trafficking. This has caused a rapid increase in STIs and HIV/AIDS among women and girls working in brothels and red-light districts.

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A Window of Hope

The only door open for us to reach these women and girls, numbered and controlled by their pimps, is to provide a rapid HIV test. Pimps don’t want HIV in their brothels, and offering this free service gives us access to the girls for a limited period of time.

Trapped behind closed doors and known only by a number, this is their only chance to find hope, restoration and true healing. A simple HIV test gives a small window of opportunity to be light, bring hope and share the love of Jesus Christ.

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Hope For Myanmar’s Enslaved Daughters

how you can help

Support our mission to reach and empower these women and girls

We can reach out to these women and those who test positive by paying for their medical fees and transport, thereby reducing the obstacles present that prevent them from receiving this much needed treatment as early as possible.

You can help to rescue these girls who are not even known by their names, only by a number on their door. You can help break this horrific cycle of exploitation.

“And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be
afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10:30


how you can help

Support our mission to reach and empower these women and girls

We can reach out to these women and those who test positive by paying for their medical fees and transport, thereby reducing the obstacles present that prevent them from receiving this much needed treatment as early as possible.

You can help to rescue these girls who are not even known by their names, only by a number on their door. You can help break this horrific cycle of exploitation.

“And even the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.”  Matthew 10:30